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WP Defender Pro

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WP Defender Pro

WP Defender Pro

Who We Are!

At WP Defender Pro, we are passionate about safeguarding your WordPress websites with the highest level of protection. With the ever-evolving landscape of online threats, ensuring the security of your digital assets has never been more critical. Our team of experts is dedicated to delivering top-notch security solutions, allowing you to focus on what matters most – growing your business.

12 Most Common Attacks on WordPress Website

WP Defender Pro

What Puts Us Ahead?


With years of experience in the cybersecurity industry, our team brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. We stay ahead of the curve, constantly monitoring emerging threats and implementing cutting-edge security measures.

Comprehensive Solutions:

WP Defender Pro offers a comprehensive suite of security tools designed to fortify your WordPress website against a myriad of threats. From malware detection and removal to firewall protection, we cover all aspects of website security under one roof.

WordPress Security

WordPress Security

Tailored Protection:

We understand that every website is unique, and each client has specific security requirements. That’s why we provide personalized security plans, ensuring that your website receives the attention it deserves.

Proactive Approach:

Our proactive approach to security means we don’t just react to threats; we anticipate and prevent them. By continuously scanning for vulnerabilities and suspicious activities, we nip potential issues in the bud, keeping your site safe and sound.

User-Friendly Interface:

We believe that security should be accessible to everyone. Our user-friendly interface makes it easy for website owners of all levels of technical expertise to manage and monitor their site’s security effortlessly.

Plugins and themes

Security audit on your plugins and themes, ensuring they are safe & secure, reduces WordPress security issues

Custom login page

Keep hackers at bay with an optional custom login page. By hiding your login page with a custom URL

malware scans

Malware attacks can put your customers’ data and your website at risk, and it’s something we take seriously

Free Firewall

The Cloudflare Web Application Firewall is a WAF that will provide automatic protection for your website

Security Headers

Browsers can make it harder to exploit client-side vulnerabilities such as Cross-Site Scripting or Clickjacking.

Free Cloudflare SSL

Maintain your customer trust Improve search rank secure communication between a browser and a server

Manually Coding

Coding is required for the Themes and Plugins that you are using to make sure your website does not conflicts with the setting